Project Description

Ashbourne Education Campus
Colaiste de Lacy- new two storey 450 pupil Post Primary School with a Special Needs Unit facility, a General Purpose Hall, library/ resource room and other ancillary accommodation. Also included was an external Construction Studies covered area and storage space, a secure hard and soft special Play Area, three enclosed ball courts with fencing and gates to facilitate use as overflow car parking if needed.
Colaiste na Mí- new two storey 16 classroom Gaelscoil with SET facility, General Purpose Hall, library/ resource room and other ancillary accommodation; junior play area. Two enclosed ball courts with related fencing and gates to facilitate use as overflow car parking.
Ashbourne Educate Together- new two storey 16 classroom Educate Together National School with SET facility, General Purpose Hall, library/ resource room and other ancillary accommodation, junior play area, SNU garden and soft play area and two enclosed ballcourts.